Author Topic: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 "PROJECT" Please Help! I think it's a 1969 Pics  (Read 7790 times)

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Offline BryBow

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Today I purchased two bows for a total of $20 in a garage sale.
A Bear Archery Company Grayling, MI and a

Bear Bow details.
Grayling Stamp.
U.S.Patents and CANADA 1953
Bear Glass Powered Cub on back of upper limb.
Ser. No. 12K69
Leather handle
Missing Medalion
No cracks and appears solid.

The Ben Pearson is ruined in my opinion but what do I know. I'm a noob.
Cat. No. 335
There is a crack in the lower limb.
The upper limb knock is chipped in half.
Both limbs are twisted.

Can anybody educate me on these?
I would really like to restore the Bear Bow if you do such a thing with one of this age. Please let me know if the bow remains more valuable if left alone.
Can I Shoot It.
What would you do?

Thanks everybody.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 05:51:40 am by BryBow »
When you shoot an arrow of truth dip it in honey.

Offline half eye

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2013, 09:00:45 pm »
For what one guy's opinion is worth believe ya should shoot and enjoy the Bear. Don't believe that the Cub model is a very hot collectors item. Cant say on the Pearson but they were generally good solid bows, but without actually seeing it, wont venture a guess.

If the owner has painted the back of the bow, you may want to check very closely for cracks in the glass running tip to tip.

Offline wildman

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2013, 10:40:57 pm »
Mullet probably tell ya all about Bear. Killed my first trad dear with an old Pearson
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Offline bow101

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2013, 10:52:21 pm »
Did allright for 20 bucks, A little worse for wear but I'll take the Bear..... 8)
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Offline mullet

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2013, 11:17:09 pm »
Take the Pearson and cut the knocks off and refile some new ones and super glue the crack. I can't tell from the pictures but I think the Bear is a 61. I'm probably wrong because a K usually means 70's. But this one doesn't look right unless the shape is worse then it looks. Great find, wish I had of.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline BryBow

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2013, 11:54:46 pm »
Thank you Rich. I think I'll take your advice and shoot her. With these "OLD" glass bows do I need to work the limbs to make,sure she's safe to shoot?

Bow 101, I agree with you - Ill take the Bear but I like Eddies idea of fixing the knocks on the Pearson.

Wild man, The Pearson is too light to legally hunt in the state of Florida. "I think". The Bear will work though.

Eddie, I knew it the second I saw it. My heart skipped a beat and I couldn't fish out my $20 fast enough.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 05:45:40 am by BryBow »
When you shoot an arrow of truth dip it in honey.

Offline wildman

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 05:06:51 am »
3 rivers sells Bear replacement medallions
" Society your crazy greed , hope your not lonely without me"

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Offline BryBow

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Re: It's a Bear Cub I Bought for $20 I think it's a 1969 Pics
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2013, 05:48:59 am »
Concerning the Restoration of the Ben Pearson.
    What are the steps for replacing or fileing in new knocks?

    What is the proper way to fill in the crack with superglue.

    How do I fix the twisted limbs? If they can't be fixed can I still shoot the bow?

Concerning the the restoration of the Bear

    If the back of the bow has been painted as Rich Suggests and I suspect he's right because when I clean the bow with windex the paper towel comes away black, how then do I determine the original state of the back of the bow?

How will I save the Bear Cub logo? Will I have to reproduce one by hand?

What are the proper procedures for cleaning an old dirty banged up bow?

I really need some guidance and I will post pictures of the restorations in progress giving credit to all the guidance. I just hope my work won't embarrass anybody.

Wildman, thanks for the heads up on 3 Rivers. Now all I need to do Is make sure I get the right medallion.

« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 06:29:29 am by BryBow »
When you shoot an arrow of truth dip it in honey.

Offline koan

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Cubs dont have the $$ value of the kodiaks but they are fine shooters. If you refinish the Bear, put tape over any label/ writing.. DO NOT REMOVE any identifiers! Use high quality fine steel wool to remove any crazing/glazing( windex works good to remove the grime). Dont get in a hurry. When it looks good use tru-oil to refinish.. Several light coats(right over the writing to).. If the glass has cracks longitudely they usually arent an issue as long as they dont run off or to close to the working edge. I do however fill them with CA to stop any further cracking. You can carefully scrape off excess CA... Carefully, lol. Before you shoot it check very closely for ANY delaminating, un-strung and strung... This has worked for me. I love them old Bears!... Brian
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Offline mullet

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if you go to Tradgang there are some good threads on restoring old bows. Go to History and Collectables. There is someone there that also makes and sells replacement decals. The medallion that Three River sells might not be the one for your particular bow. They were different depending on the year. How about some better pictures of the bow?

 On the Pearson, just cut the broken tip off and do the same for the good one. Then shape it with a file or belt sander and file new grooves in, like you would a wooden bow.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline sleek

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Whatever glue you use, use locktite gel superglue. And try to clean out the cracks you are gluing best you can, may be wax in there.
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Offline mullet

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Whatever glue you use, use locktite gel superglue. And try to clean out the cracks you are gluing best you can, may be wax in there.
  Yes, use acetone and that's my favorite glue.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Danzn Bar

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Whatever glue you use, use locktite gel superglue. And try to clean out the cracks you are gluing best you can, may be wax in there.
  Yes, use acetone and that's my favorite glue.

Does acetone dissolve wax?
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Offline mullet

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Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline BryBow

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How about some better pictures of the bow

Here are some better pictures of the Bear bow.

I do not think the face of the bow was painted. This looks like green paint to me and here is the Bear Cub emblem.

A knock and the belly.

The Belly.

The handle.

The Side

What's the button on the grip for?

When you shoot an arrow of truth dip it in honey.