This is my first Yew bow and my third bow, well, of any sort. This also marks my first attempt at making a bow without the hands of Gordon Ferlitsch, CMB, Kennan or Weylin giving me step by step help, though Weylin definitely offered up much appreciated and well heeded advice this last week when he and his boy came to visit our tipi village.
She turned out to be a pretty sweet little bow, albeit a bit lighter than I intended. The finishing work reminds me of old AMES bowling pins, so I think the name serves well. I have many other pics that Anglea, my wife, took of us making scrapings on the mountintop this week as well, and will be adding those with a new "tipi living"update soon.
Again, I encourage any and all visitors to our village to live with the tipi people for a bit (or longer!). Make your way to the Cascade-Siskyous folks!