Primitive ppl where not always on the hunt for food, as modern people think today.
They ate pretty well and had more down time than you think. If everyone did there part things where fine.(unless hit with drought or famine) But there is a time and a place for everything. Even making a fancy bow. If you think that "good looking" bows didn't exist in 'primitive' times.... Well your wrong. I have been to countless museums and seen some bows that blow my mind. Especially the ones here on the west coast of Oregon.
Perfectly crafted and painted, some have neatly burned in designs. Each color and shape holds a meaning in the physical and spiritual world. Even taking the time to reflex 90deg tips.
Taking to time to paint a canoe. Why? Bc you have the time and would like to please the ancestors.
Painting the bow to maybe give it spiritual power? Idk or maybe just bc they felt like it.
Some ppl build nice fancy looking/functioning bows and some don't. That's just how it is. Same then as it is now.
Maybe they didn't have steel but copper makes a usable tool.
The art produced by some of these cultures are way sophisticated, and imaginative, combined with the social moieties has me believing that
Non of these tools look primitive to me. Yet they are considered so.
We all have a depictions of 'primitive'
To me, made from all natural materials. The bow in its own merit can be considered primitive.