Hi guys, I haven't put any new topics on the thread in quite a while, but, trust me, I have enjoyed seeing all of the fine bows that you all are building. You may have read Billy Berger's PA article about the North Georgia Primitive Arts Festival and Flintknapping that we are putting on next weekend in Cartersville, GA. In the article, Billy mentioned that I would have a booth selling some of my bows, so I had to get busy and make some, re-work some, re-finish, re-tiller some and try to get a few ready. I haven't done a show for a couple of years, but I still build bows almost every day. When I read Pappy's thread showing his beautiful bows, I thought I would take a picture of some of my bows. They are made from: horn, yew, maple, chokecherry, osage, hickory, hackberry, elm, and lemonwood. Some are backed by sinew, bamboo, hickory, or rawhide. Some are decorated by turkey feathers, some are painted. I have two snakey osage bows that I have not completed yet, but they should be ready for the show.
Dan Spier