No, the outer limbs should not bend AT ALL. Not even a little bit. That is why they are thicker, but reduced in width, to a pin nock. It keeps them from being overly heavy. That is the whole point to a Holmegaard tiller. You could keep the outer limbs full width and thickness, but then they would be unnecessarily massive, slowing cast. When I tiller a Holmegaard, I only look at the inner limbs. They are the only ones bending. Tiller is NOT circular over the bows entire length. The rest of what you are saying about how a board bends is a red herring. It doesn't apply to this type of tiller.
Anyway, I'm not going to change your mind, so, I give up. I enjoy building these bows, and I will continue with good success. Thanks for the discussion. I guess my only other point is: be careful what you're willing to call something when you post it, you might not be accurate. Just because it looks like something you claim, doesn't necessarily make it so. No offense intended.