Drug companies, FDA, all one and the same. One pays, one accepts, and then tells the public it is supposed to protect, not to do what ever the ones paying says not to do. Oh, yeah, I'm from the Government, I'm here to help you. Uh, thanks, but no thanks.
Just look at the mah wong, and the celebrex, I think it was. appx. 5,000 people died from abusing, or not following directions for Mah Wong. Well the FDA being the celestial guardians they are, put a stop the sale of Mah Wong, and told how awful it was. Along comes Celebrex and another drug, put out by the Drug companies, and it kills appx 50,000 people, and now it has been revised to appx 80,000 people that have died from using these products. Oh, ok, we will take it off the market. For a month. Then with their magical wand the FDA approves the products, if they will put in very fine print that it may cause problems, and death. Hmm, I wonder how much palm grease that tooK? Anyway, like I said FDA, Drug companies, one and the same. Hey, here is some research money, oh, and could you just sign this drug off please......