I had a new bow student in my shop yesterday, Jarrod Jackson. Always rewarding to start a new guy on his bow making journey.

YEEHAW! Suckered another one into the cult of the bending stick! Mwahaha, our plan to take back the world is working!
I may have hooked one of the volunteers at the Black Hills Raptor Center. The guy is a part time taxidermist and volunteered to help us create "education artifacts" from several euthanized raptors. He was over yesterday to remove wings and feet from the bodies of several owls. he showed me his techniques for removing the muscle tissue and gave us some borax/talcum/magic dust to help preserve the skins. These feet and wings are then available for the kids that always seem to want to touch the live birds. And yes, this is all under our Federal Permit! Not only that, but I need to document where each and every wing/foot/skull/feather came from.
ANYWAY, backing off that rabbit trail going nowhere....Joe saw a pile of finished and unfinished bows in the corner of the shop and asked questions. I played coy with him and told him to pick thru them if he was interested. I left him digging thru them for a while until he asked where I got them. I told him I had made most of them, traded for some others, and was gifted a couple. He then let me know he had been nosing the bait for a while, even before yesterday, when he said he had been reading online about how to make bows out of boards (Thanks JAWGE! Your site worked him over good!)
Well, long story short (too late)...he now wants to continue volunteering to work with raptors, but also wants to learn to make bows. And best of all....he is also an antique tool collector and wants to
do it all with old antiques that he has bought and refurbished!!! Oh yeah. We are going to take back the world and turn everyone into a Primitive Archer!