Today was a milestone day for me. I grew up in a small town in North Dakota, but left there after my freshman year of high school. Our family bounced around and I ended up in four high schools in four years before graduating. After that, I continued the lifestyle of a rolling stone for a good while before I came to rest in the Black Hills.
Most of you know I run a conservation and wildlife education non-profit that works with raptors and we give a LOT of school programs. This last fall I got to work on setting up a tour of programs through North Dakota. Two weekend sport shows bracketing a week of school programs. Two days of those programs are in my old home town. When I left, I left behind a lot of hurt and pain, some very bad memories a child should never have to endure.
Today I ran thru 5 presentations for these kids. After each presentation, I explained to the kids that I grew up in their school, I walked those halls. I told them about how I had some big dreams and plans for my life....and while some didn''t come true many of them did. I asked them if they had any plans, any dreams and if they thought they could make them happen. It turned into a pep rally each time and each grade left the auditorium excited with the idea that THEY HAD PERMISSION TO SUCCEED.
Circle of life. I chose to not have kids and don't necessarily even like kids. But maybe I can inspire someone else's kids.
Thank you, Mr. David Loock, for all you did, and all you said, and all you implied.