Ok, back home and unpacked from a great weekend at OJAM X .
I have a few photos on my phone but the rest are on my camera and I need to go through them ( 452 in all) so here they are first is the group we had at our camp , the yellow hats are the ones teaching and the red hats are helping them until they are confident they can teach or a group leader determines they are ready .
One of the photos is me helping a young lady with her stave , had a knot and I was showing her and her soon to be how to work around a knot on a stave without cutting through it .

Next is the flint knappers and the blacksmith that showed up , usually we get more knappers there but not this year .

And finally the kids rattan bows , we gave out 150 bows to the kids that were there , not all of them waited around for the big photo though , you can see all the red and yellow hats on the trailer ( most of them anyway ) , and me and a couple others waiting to put arrow rests and handle wraps on .
Estimated number of people that showed up was 900 plus , we do not have an accurate way of keeping track of them all and we go by the ones that sign in .