I've been holding on to a postal claim ticket for an oversized package since Friday and finally, after a 7" snow and a federal holiday I got to the PO today. I handed over the claim ticket and the clerk went to the back to retrieve the package. about 10 minutes later she came back saying she couldn't find the package. Finally another clerk suggested the first one look in another location and sure enough there it was...a long rectangular plywood box. I was running late for work so I threw the box in the car and headed for the office.
I got home a little after 3, changed my cloths and began to open the box. This box was screwed together and tape over that.
When I unwrapped the bundle inside this is what was in there...

It been a while since I've shot a glass bow and this one shoots like a dream. She's fast, smooth and accurate...and beautiful. The accent wood in the riser is leopardwood I think and the limbs are actionwood and brown glass. I grabbed 4 arrows and went out to shoot her. Three cedars at 45# and 1 tapered poplar at 50# to 55#, they all shot right where I was looking.
This bow was built by David "Trux" Turning of Las Cruces, New Mexico.