I decided not to do any serious work today so I played in my shop. I sealed and crested 4 poplar arrow shafts, still sealing, I only use wiped on tru-oil now, lots of coats.
The cornerstone of my bow building tools has been a Nicholson half round course wood file, the perfect file to follow a Nicholson #49 with. I bought it locally, worked on about 200 bows with it, thought it was getting a little dull and decided to buy a new one a few years ago, no luck in finding one, anywhere.
I goggled Nicholson half round course file and came up with nothing for years, none were available locally either, no one had even heard of one.
Fast forward to a few months ago when I checked again for a Nicholson half round course "wood" file. They were everywhere, I even found one at about half price with free shipping. Don't know why I didn't think to add "wood" to my previous searches.
Anyway, I got a new file, all new files need a new handle which was the other thing I made while playing in the shop. Scrap osage and half of a 35 cents copper pipe coupler, came out real nice.