Went to the river to cut some osage that had been dozed down and do a little bowfishing , forgot my chainsaw gas so I didn't cut as much as I had planed , might have been a good thing cuz I was getting hot and may have overdone it if I hadn't ran out of fuel . Bowfishing didn't go to well , got one black buffalo and had others but they kept terring loose , on my way back to the pickup I heard some splashing in the creek , I knew what it was because I had seen their signs earlier , at least six or more hogs in the creek so I put a stalk on them , I got within fifteen yards when another bunch of hogs came in from behind me. The second bunch seen me and trotted off , the ones in the creek heard them and got nervous and began leaving also , need to carry some brodheads with me from now on.
There was at least a dozen more all together and they ranged from about seventy pounds to one hundred fifty pounds . I also cut a coffee tree and got four staves from it.