Hi all, I've been reading up on bowyering for some time now, and after a few false starts I think I may have the startings of what may be my first serviceable bow. I'm going off of the instructions Sam Harper put up on geocities.com/salampsio/oak and working with Red Oak. Below are a few photos of what I have so far, I'd appreciate any input you all have since this is my first bow and I'm hoping to get something fairly decent from it.
As it stands tonight, I'll be backing it with the fiberglass tape tomorrow afternoon.
One arm of the bow, as well as some the tools at my disposal.
Riser being glued onto the bow.
I still need to make a tillering tree and figure out the best way to make my string since I'm planning on using some artificial sinew I have to make that, but I think this could become a quickly addicting hobby.