The next day we hunt on our side of the canyon, but we are unable to find the elk that we encountered the night before. We see lots of fresh sign, but no elk so we decide to hunt the other side on day three.
This is a picture from the other side. Our camp is situated across the canyon at timberline to the right of the picture.

We make the 3 mile hike to the other side in the dark on the morning of day three. As it gets light we are greeted with the sounds of three bulls bugling. We make several setups but despite the expert calling of my partner Chuck, none of the bulls shows interest and by mid-morning all is quiet. We break for an early lunch and I suggest to Chuck that we trek over to “Coral” basin to see if anything is happening over there.
Coral is probably my favorite spot to hunt elk in the world. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth and is some of the best elk habitat anywhere. Coral is a basin that is situated near the top of a mountain. It is impossible to see unless you are there or viewing if from the air. At the base lies a sub-alpine meadow that gives way to dark timber that climbs up the sides of the basin. The basin is rich with grass, water, wallows, timber and escape routes. It is nothing short of an elk paradise.