So in my typical style of waiting until the last minute, I haven't shipped my prezzy yet. I was hoping to send what was going to be my first successful selfbow from some elm I've had seasoning for 3 years, but after about 5 sessions with the heat gun treating and straightening, I had her to about 20 inches and the back let loose. I decided that a gift was not the right thing to experiment on, so settled on some other ideas instead.
I finished this sucker up the other night, although after seeing it complete, the veg-tanned leather that I made the lace and fringe out of looks a little too pink for my liking... I might unlace the whole works and give the veg-tan some type of oily treatment to darken it up some. What do you guys think. Should I just leave it alone?

I gotta work away from home for a week but hope to have a bit of time when I get back to finish something else up to throw in the package. I hope my recipient doesn't mind the wait. I know the deadline isn't quite here yet, but I really wanted to get this out sooner rather than later.