Honestly for me i think someone else hit on it already, i think it was blackhawk. I hate NOT working on my bows. I think about it all day, even when i'm doing other stuff. It's like that first high school crush you could never stop thinking about, cept this one never ends!! Sometimes i just open the garage door and take a peek at my work area just to check on em

and remind myself which problem or next step i'm supposed to be dwelling on while i'm doing all that other stuff i have to do!
Chris, as has been mentioned, our prayers are with your wife. My grandmother (82 years old) is still doing chemo treatments for gall bladder cancer (had it diagnosed and removed almost two years ago) that spread to her lungs. As Jawge said, it just sucks. I'd almost take it for her rather than see her go through it. She is made of the tougher stuff though, they just don't make em like they used too!!