Been a few hackberry bows on lately and heres another. Made this for my brother Steve as a gift on his 50th b-day. Steve loves to try and put a stalk on turkeys even if it means leaving his deer stand to pursue em'. Now two seasons ago him and I were leaving our stands
one early oct. morning on a trail out when he whispered turkeys. They crossed the trail ahead of us and went down the woods headed for the bottom of a draw. As they worked their way along the wooded side hill parallel to us I took a shot and missed. they backed off but
wanted to continue on that path. Well I went down in the woods with them to see if I could push em' back up to him on the edge of the woods. Three missed shots later by me and they hit the edge on the run. One hit the clearing running dead away from Steve at about
20 yds and he put an arrow right through the back and dropped it. His first turkey and an incredible running shot to boot, best thing
i've seen while hunting. 22 yrs of bow hunting and I'm still looking for my 1st turkey but man I was thrilled to see him get that one.
He used one of my old longbows to kill that turkey but now he's ready for one with a selfbow, and maybe a deer or two to boot.
Hackberry selfbow, 62" ntn, 57# @ 28", deerskin grip with a feather from his kill. Wish him luck this season, thanks for looking.