Fred...both were soft in compression,even tho one stave was from pennsylvania and the other from michigan.
Lemme explain what happened to both. And both were long and wide(almost 70" long)and both only tillered to 26".
The first was a stave. I tillered it out perfectly and had 1/4" positive tiller. After two dozen shots the top limb went bannannas and compressed way more than the bottom limb and it turned into 7/8" positive tiller. I then decided to correct it by reducing the bottom limb,and once I had it looking good again,I went and continued to shoot it in again,and low and behold now the bottom limb went bannannas on me. By then it wood have taken off too much weight for me to want it for anything so I said ,eff it.
The second was a hicory backed walnut from an air dried board. I trapped the hickory very narrow,and made the walnut belly wide. Tiller was perfect and I was within reason according to the mass formula(just a tad under target mass,but nothing to worry about). After 50 shots it fretted in one area on the bottom limb. That bow was smokin fast too,I mean fast for my bows.
So my anaylsis so far is its weak compression wood. And I don't want to drag a 70"+ wide paddle bow around. But ,I think I just had some bad luck and maybe not so dense pieces of wood. And I'm not done with it. Ill try it one more time eventually. But,I'm a three strikes and your out person and if it doesn't make it or is just a marginal bow then I won't ever mess with it again. I'm osage n yew rich so why mess with it.