Ive been on another lil bowmaking binge,and this is the third one I did in a weeks time. I had to wait to do a photo shoot with this due to some "other" stuff that needed done asap. The pics didnt come out to well and are kinda fuzzy...sorry. Anyways,heres an Osage R/D bow(almost an angular design) that i heated into this shape and made. Its 61" ntn, 44@27", 1 1/8" wide, 14 ounces mass weight, a very hint of a slight bend in the handle,it retains 2 1/2" of setback at rest,and i induced a hair over 4"(not bad results), I put western diamondback skins on it,and transparent horn tips(which look sweet and see thru in the light,and I couldnt get a good pic of it) Even tho it came in a lil light(I was wanting 50)it still has great cast and shoots well accuracy wise. Not to mention how smooth this design is to pull. And the handle feels realy cool in your hand with that sharp deflex bend,it seems to cradle and form around in your hand,and it shoots best with totally relaxed fingers without gripping it cus it settles and anchors well when ya pull on it due to its shape. So overall Im digging it...here she is