I would not object or find it offensive in anyway if a guild were established with a set criteria needed to establish oneself as a master bowyer.
Well in there kinda already is:
http://www.bowyers.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=185&Itemid=318Just some thoughts...
...I would personally hate for a bunch of people to get together and decide a bunch of "rules" just to be able to tell everyone what to do. If your selling a bunch of bows, commercially, than there is a good reason to teach some other guys your craft, which would be to have them help you out and help make $. Because it would be your
craft, in the days of guilds, and not your hobby. Like it is today for framers or plumbers. I would guess most people nowadays get into making traditional bows out of the love of it, and not for the need to make bread from it. The need for rank in carpentry and plumbing and other trades are needed, or else our houses would be fallin down on us when the new guys get signed on and decide they don't need those extra storm braces, or feel like puttin em on upside down instead of concentrating on picking up trash like they're supposed to. (

) Now if anyone wants to show me how to make 300 - 350 a week just startin out from
bowyer-ing like you can in carpentry, sign me up for an apprenticeship!

These bows used to be an essential need, like when a mechanic fixed your car, and your car is an essential need of life nowadays. A bowyer was probably a respected craftsmen or trade in that day, compared to today where if I said all I did was
"play with my wood" all day, my wife would tell me to go get a job! In the days of "bowyers" and "bowyers guilds" bows were mass produced military weapons designed to kill your enemy from as far away as possible. Now they are lower draw weight hunting and target bows, made mostly by the people who get the most joy out of making and shooting them, I would guess. If there is need for a title to ensure that a bowyer is accomplished, then reputation alone will always more than suffice. Especially with the internet up and running.