Well about the only thing i have my eye on right now is a nice hickory tree that i should get 2 nice 7ft sections and maybe some of a 3rd. bottom of the tree is big enough i can split it in half and then those peices into thirds. so ill should get plenty of hickory out of that. plus the 3 staffs i have now. Thing is i want to look around for some other stuff since i have a few hickory staffs and the mentioned tree is right on the edge of my little campout spot.
So then i have a couple live locust that ive been planning on taking out around the edge of my yard. both have some pretty strait sections. other than that i guess i have a hard time identifying trees this time of year. Leafy time of the year i can probably only identify half of the trees anyway

When i cut the locust and split how do i need to look at it to split it? I think what im asking is with locust do i need to look for a seriously strait flat section or can it have some sort of gentle recurve in it or something. i donno im tired right now.
I also looked at a log of sassafras i had. cross grained and brittle is all i can say about that stuff.