I had the pleasure to come down to FL for the winter so my little boy could spend some time with his grandparents. While here I hoped to take advantage of my old hunting grounds...just a little 20 acre parcel with a few deer here and there. My old wooden stand was still where i left it, although a bit rickety and i broke a rung while climbing it. I have been hunting for a little over a week now and 2 days ago I had this spike come down the trail and as he walked into 10 yards i let the arrow fly. my shot was too low and i grazed him with my stone point and cane shaft. I recovered my arrow from the dirt and continued my hunt.
So I skipped a day and returned to hunt today. Just as dark was closing in I could here leaves behind me with the un-mistakable sound that a deer makes. The same spike (one long horn, one short) came in behind me trying to figure out where I was. He couldn't sort me out but decided to swing wide to avoid the area. Although he swung wide he still got on the same trail and walked into 10 yards. he stopped broadside to pick up a couple acorns scattered on the edge of the old logging road. I donated another stone point to him and this time it connected. A little low again, but tight in the arm-pit. too low actually. never hit the heart, but cut the plumbing cleanly. I watched him trot off as if he wasn't even hit, tail high in the air.
I was dark by now and when he put his tail down I lost his last location. I gave him 15 mins and got down to look for blood and found plenty right off the bat, I followed it with ease for 30 some yards and theN it was just pouring everywhere and another 10y in the live oakS, there he laid.
This is my 3rd stone point killed deer this year. 2 Mule deer in Montana and this nice little spike in FL. I couldn't be happier. it was a keokuk point i knapped with antler tools, my 66# osage bow I made and rivercane arrowshafts with turkey feathers. The point held up nicely, just the very tip broke off, could easily be resharpened but I will retire it with the horns. thanks for lookin!- Ryan "Twistedlimbs"