I got my season started this morning.I had been seeing a lot of illegal deer earlier in the season,but,I had'nt seen a deer in two weeks.Then a little after 7:30 am ,5 deer worked their way toward me.(We have 4 doe days during the long thanksgiving weekend).They were snufflin' acorns,but with 10 eyes it was a chore to get into position to shoot. 2 started fighting around a little ,and the others turned to look ,so I leaned out and shot her. 16 yard ,slightly quartered away shot.Double lung hit,she went about 90-100 yards.The arrow hit the opposite shoulder,so no exit.Was'nt much blood,but enough to find her quickly. I was using a little Mockernut Hickory D-bow (for its first season to hunt),50#@26",that I built ,and posted back in Jan.'09. I hit her with a 568 gr. switchcane arrow wearing a bandsaw trade point,that I made in Sept. right before season opened.Considering we have come through the worst drought in Texas history this doe was carrying a lot of fat,so she should be excellent eating. God Bless