Seeing how the weathers cleared and nice today I took her out for more shooting. Here's some of the finished front profile pics. She ended up weighing 13.5 ounces

Here's a shot of the top limb tip showing the branch knot and red oak overlay tips

Here's the bow braced.
So after another braced and shooting session she's still maintaining her position and im feeling good about it. It still maintains 3"of reflex immediatley after unstrung.

Now I need to aquire some skins for her,so it might be awhile before she's all dressed up purtty. And now that I feel confident in her and can call her a bow ill say that this bow is being made for mom. She loved my last snakeskin osage so much she enthusiastically expressed wanting one.

So it might be a few weeks before I post all the finished pics of her,and ill give this to my mom for xmas.
Thanks for looking so far everyone...Chris