Yes that the way to do it.
When you heat treat it you should use a form and then you will be able to bend the stave into exactly the reflex you want and also remove any twists,bumps etc. This has the advantages over just reverse bracing it in that the reflex is permanent (until tillering!)rather than just pulled in.
If you can get the stave as close to final tiller as possible then the heat treating will have the most benefit - more resistance to compression,less set and you will get more reflex as the sinew dries.
If you do all these things just right then you will end up with a properly reflexed bow after tillering and shooting.
Remember that it will feel really heavy after the sinew dries so be careful not to reduce it too much. Again getting the tiller as good as possible before sinewing means you know it's ok to just brace it when dry which means you are a lot less likely to reduce the draw weight too much.