Author Topic: A good day with me buddies  (Read 5444 times)

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A good day with me buddies
« on: September 18, 2011, 10:46:11 am »
Saturday morning I met up with Jon(straightarrow) and Bill(hickorybill) and a relative of jons and another buddy of his at 8 in the morning. We went out too a club and shot a haybale/cardboard picture course,and also had a couple friendly shooting contests.   Went back to the pavilion n Jon grilled us up some deer burgers....mmmm. Then we played around with the atlatl and shooting various moving targets,some cds thrown in the air,and some round pieces of Styrofoam thrown n rolled along the ground. Jon frickin hit the Styrofoam ones with the atlatl a few times....dang ..that s not an easy feat for those of you who have thrown them before and know how hard it is. We were having toooooo much fun to pull out a camera and take pics so sorry no pics of all those activities. :)  ;D

After we left the club just Jon,Bill,and I started to go and knock on doors with some Osage on there property. We were driving slow and another car was behind me tailing me and I look in the mirror and the guy is taking my license plate number down. I stop and go to wave him around cause I wanna talk to this guy cus I don't like that one bit.  >:(  Well he starts to turn around and tries to avoid me so I jumped out and yelled HEY stop...and I went up to his vehicle asking him why the heck was he writing my plate number down. He said some people stole a bunch of stuff from his garage/shop and we were driving slowly(in my van) and thought we looked suspicious. Well I told him I didn't appreciate him writing my plate # down. Meanwhile Jon n Bill are in the van thinking im about to knock this dude out. I told him why we were driving slow,and he says oh yeah,I make bows for my kids n  :laugh: Jon hears that and jumps out to talk to the guy too. And he tells us where some is and w e said yeah we know of those. Then we went on our merry way and knocked on some peoples doors and got permission.....SCORE  ;D

As always its never easy cutting that yeller wood in its thickets. First cut my saw gets stuck :-\ got that out,but then on the second tree my fricking chain come flying off the bar :o I said a choice word cus that scared the you know what out of me. I had to fix the kinked up chain and while doing so gashed my thumb wide open on a tooth. Yes I had gloves on.

So after cutting it down and getting them over and split up this is what we came up with.

But this next  picture was taken ten seconds before that and shows actually how beat we were. Why such long faces :laugh:

This piece was dead straight before it was split out and look how fast it reacted....instant banana reflex....mhmmmm. love that one.  ;)

Here's a self pic of my ugly self with some fine Pennsylvania yeller wood.

Im a happy camper as you see,even with a red dripping thumb. And I forgot a brush for the sealer so we cut off the bottom leg part of Jons underwear to dip in the shellac and seal :laugh:

We went back to Jons and played with wood till 8 in the eve. WE WERE WHOOPED. 12 hours of non stop fun.   >:D I think we all slept good. I know I did.

The only bad part of the day was coming home to my dead cat laying on the basement floor of which she spent almost 22 years with me  :-X

Thanks for looking and reading my longwinded story. .....Chris :)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 11:11:05 am by blackhawk »

Offline MWirwicki

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2011, 10:55:25 am »
Sounds like a good day, indeed!  You guys seem to be lucking out on the yellow wood finds.  I like that banana reflexed stave also.  You got some nice straight pieces there too.  Good haul. 
Matt Wirwicki
Owosso, MI

Offline dragonman

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2011, 10:58:35 am »
bunch of madmen..... >:D ;D
'expansion and compression'.. the secret of life is to balance these two opposing forces.......

Offline George Tsoukalas

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2011, 11:52:43 am »
An inauspicious sart to an excellent day! Nice stash of staves too. Jawge
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Offline ken75

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2011, 12:28:25 pm »
sounds like a good day , be glad you have some like minded gents close to ya

Offline straightarrow

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2011, 02:05:06 pm »
Had a blast with my bow building bro's...I slept like a baby thats for sure. It was a very eventful day!!! Can't wait to see what my wife says about the big tear in my Sorry about your cat, Chris...It stinks to lose a furry friend



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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2011, 05:32:44 pm »
Thanks Matt...yes the wood gods have been gracious this year  O:)

That we are Dragonman >:D

Thanks Jawge :)

Yes Ken I am very grateful and glad to have these guys to share this passion with ;D

Im sorry about your underwear Jon. It was kinda creepy that I was the one who cut it off :o and thanks for the condolences, and for a fun filled adventureful day.

Offline toomanyknots

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2011, 05:38:10 pm »
MAN that reflexed fast!
"The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow-
 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
 the part that has too little is increased."

- Tao Te Ching, 77, A new translation by Victor H. Mair

Offline coaster500

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2011, 05:40:12 pm »
Jackpot!!!  I wish I had some of that yeller woods out west :)
Inspiration, information and instruction by the ton and it's free,,, such a deal :)

Offline gstoneberg

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2011, 08:37:38 pm »
I have osage bend like that all the time.  I've been leaving them in the half log hoping they stay straighter.  However, I've had some go crooked even after being seasoned so I don't know if it helps or not.  Nice looking wood, good work.

St Paul, TX

Offline swtchbckshtr

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2011, 09:06:43 pm »
awesome, wish it grew around here. looks like a full filled day anyway. sorry bout your cat, thanks for sharing

Offline jeffhalfrack

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2011, 11:07:43 pm »
    GEEEZZZEEE!    you  guys  and  this   ossage!!!!!    we  can't  get  that  here,,,,,,what   do   you  think  it  grows   on  trees  or  something?????  :embarassed: (I won't  edit)  glad  you  all  had  a  good  time!!!   JeffW

Offline HickoryBill

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2011, 11:29:39 pm »
It sure was a great day! I had fun from the time I got there to the time I pulled out of Jon's driveway! I can't wait to do it again! Good laughs, good friends,good shooting, good food, and Osage! DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAN THAT?
"He who hesitates usually misses"
"All you really need to make a bow and arrow are some sticks and a deer carcass"
Bill Stockdill
Clarion County Pennsylvania

Offline Pappy

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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2011, 08:55:16 am »
Sounds like a great day,nice haul to boot. :) Life is good. ;) :D  ;D ;D
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good


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Re: A good day with me buddies
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2011, 12:09:06 pm »
Thanks guys....and Bill we get to have fun this coming weekend again so ya don't have to wait long.

And yes life is good....and that's a huge understatement.