made some bows lately from a wood combination I wasn't sure of at first. Turns out to be really good. Tough and the bows are fast, accurate and well mannered. I attached some photos so ya can see the different styles, sizes, and weights.
The bows are made from white birch (paper birch) backed with hard maple (sugar maple). The little 42-1/2" native bow has been drawn to 24" inches for just about 100 shots and not a single compression fracture anywhere. Likewise the 62" bow cut in the Ojibwa pattern is 75# @ 29" and I cant shoot it but have foot drawn it more than a few times and it is not showing any signs of compression problems either.
Just thought I'd share the combination if ya have this wood or want to try it out.
Here is the key for the different bows in photo #1.
a. 42-1/2 ntn 44@23
b, 62 ntn 75@29 (will need to be reduced to 68/70 before it goes to Allmostpighunter)
c. 57 ntn 42@26
d. 55 ntn 48@26
e. 54-1/2 ntn 47@26
f. 54 ntn 46@26 Mild r/d (double curve)