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  • N.C. Primitive Skills Rendez: October 03, 2008 - October 05, 2008

Author Topic: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.  (Read 97806 times)

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Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #105 on: September 01, 2008, 10:32:46 am »
Hey Dick,

I will have some books and a poster or two that identify the point types for this area I usually have with me when I do local knapping demonstrations. I will also have some frames of points that I have found around here over the years on display. Lots of folks find points in fields or in their gardens, but few have any idea of their actual age. It always blows them away when they find out how truly old they are.  I guarantee we have people coming back later the same day or the next day with some of thier finds to have them identified.

I hope to get some more painting done on the directional signs if the rain will hold off here.  I also intend to go out to the site to cut some firewood so we have plenty.  Dick and I walked the site Saturday and found what would be a perfect debris shelter with easy access (one tree leaning on another with lots of limbs just off a logging road). 

The bush-hogging Dick has done to the side of the airstrip has really opened things up. I thought we had space before...Wow!

Lookin' Good!

Luck counts, good or bad.


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #106 on: September 01, 2008, 07:21:56 pm »
Hey Jim, that would be great on the posters and the framed points. Should help people get interested. I mowed again today and it is looking real good. I am leaving tomorrow morning, Tuesday, and I won't be able to mow again until the 9th or 10th of the month. Should get two or three good mowing's in between now and the first of October. I'll talk to Dennis tonight about him maybe doing some finish mowing. A little over four more weeks.   ;D

Dick your benevolent dictator   >:D


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2008, 07:09:20 am »
Hi everybody. Back from Florida and ready to go. I mowed the rough area again yesterday and it is looking just fine for us. The promenade, the area where you will set up and camp/demo, is like a golf green. I think you all will be real pleased with the results.
  Jim and I are looking at this event as a primer to fleshing out just what will work and not work. We plan to do this every year as long as we have the land available and circomstances prevail. So far things look good. The committed "camps" looks to be a firm 35 right now and I hope it holds and even increases. Actually that number will be lost in the area we have to utilize, which is great as we have room to grow. We will do this rain or shine as that is what "we, as a group" do. So I am asking you to bring your canopies so we can shelter us and any of the public that shows up, hopefully a lot of them. "If" it rains the drainage there is excellent.
   The raffle is picking up steam. As you know we have the Bow, arrows, quiver, guard and glove to give away as one package and then we have a few "cased" arrowheads, and, Eddie McCann has agreed to donate a knife. If you wish to donate "something", anything, flint points etc. just let me know and I will put you on the list and hound you  ;D till I get it.  Well four weeks to go and counting. I think we will have a lot of fun and this is what it is all about.

Dick your benevolent dictator   >:D


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #108 on: September 08, 2008, 08:43:20 pm »
Here is a list of volunteers for the event to help with the demonstrations. If your name is not on it, and you volunteered, email me and I will add it to the list where ever you wish to help. I would like to keep the demo's informal and would like more than one person per demo. This is so one person is not stuck at the demo tent all day, UNLESS he/she wants it that way. Lets keep it at a pace we can live with. I don't want anyone getting hysterical about talking to the public. If you are asked a question and are not sure of the answer, don't BS them. Just tell them you will get an answer later. The file below is a word document. If you cannot see it I will copy and paste the list here.

Dick your benevolent dictator   >:D

Bow making     Brian Langston    Pat Brennan
Arrow making    Steve Parker    Eddie McCann
Flint knapping    Andy Cipriani    Jim Cornwell    Barry McCall    Steve Parker    James Parker    And numerous others
Cortege making    Steve Parker
Primitive pottery     Greg High
Fire making    Dick Bernier Flint & Steel
Blacksmithing    OPEN
Flemish string making    Wade Shikoski   
Primitive cooking    OPEN
Hide tanning    Louis Jones    Wade Shikoski    Barry McCall
Woods walk     Steve Parker
Primitive shelters    Alan Shook    Wade Shikoski
Sinew processing    Wade Shikoski
Atlatl demo    Brian Langston    Don Ward
Primitive bow demo    OPEN
Sling demo    Eddie McCann
Hawk and Knife demo    OPEN

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: September 08, 2008, 09:46:54 pm by DBernier »

Offline knightd

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #109 on: September 08, 2008, 09:09:44 pm »
Ok I cant see it.. :o..


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #110 on: September 08, 2008, 09:45:17 pm »
OK Go back and look.   ::)  I pasted the list in.


Offline Hardawaypoints

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #111 on: September 08, 2008, 11:59:07 pm »

Do you mean you don't have anyone to do a primitive bow demo yet?!  Well, this seems like the right place to find a recruit...Come on folks, What do you say, any volunteers?  I would think that might be the first slot to get filled. If I didn't have a wonky shoulder I might show what I was capable of (I'm afraid all I can do now is wince, curse loudly, and walk around holding my left arm).

Luck counts, good or bad.


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #112 on: September 09, 2008, 07:57:12 am »
I think we will have some people to do the bow demo. I will bring a 3D deer target and back it up with hay bales. We probably could use it for the Atlatl demo also. I will be at the field today and looking to stake out the bow range. I will also include the hawk and knife target in this area as well as the sling. The one "OPEN" I am concerned about is the Blacksmithing. I have had "many" inquiries if there would be one here. All we can do is hope someone has an opening in their schedule. Some people say well wait till next year and it will be a better event. Well if we wait till next year anything can happen. Lets keep our fingers crossed. Double checked with the insurance underwriter yesterday and we are covered. Cannot confirm this too many times.

Dick your benevolent dictator  >:D
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 08:17:55 am by DBernier »


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #113 on: September 09, 2008, 06:21:12 pm »
Here is an update to the list of volunteers:


Bow making     Brian Langston    Pat Brennan  Kevin Strader
Arrow making    Steve Parker    Eddie McCann   Kevin Strader
Flint knapping    Andy Cipriani    Jim Cornwell    Barry McCall    Steve Parker    James Parker    And numerous others
Cortege making    Steve Parker
Primitive pottery     Greg High
Fire making    Dick Bernier Flint & Steel
                              David Knight Bow drill
Blacksmithing    OPEN
Flemish string making    Wade Shikoski    Kevin Strader
Primitive cooking    OPEN
Hide tanning    Louis Jones    Wade Shikoski    Barry McCall
Woods walk     Steve Parker
Primitive shelters    Alan Shook    Wade Shikoski
Sinew processing    Wade Shikoski
Atlatl demo    Brian Langston    Don Ward
Primitive bow demo    OPEN
Sling demo    Eddie McCann  Andy Cipriani
Hawk and Knife demo    Eddie McCann(Knife)

« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 06:45:28 pm by DBernier »

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #114 on: September 09, 2008, 09:42:19 pm »
Dick, I don't believe Barry is going to be able to come-might better take him off the list.
Smoky Mountains, NC

Progress might have been all right once but it's gone on for far too long.


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #115 on: September 10, 2008, 03:37:07 am »
Sorry to hear that Steve. Our first casualty, but we soldier on. I will remove him on the next update.

Dick your benevolent dictator   >:D


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #116 on: September 11, 2008, 10:42:44 am »
Here is an updated list as of 9/11/08.

Bow making     Brian Langston    Pat Brennan  Kevin Strader
Arrow making    Steve Parker    Eddie McCann   Kevin Strader
Flint knapping    Andy Cipriani    Jim Cornwell    Barry McCall    Steve Parker    James Parker    Wade Shikoski  And numerous others
Cortege making    Steve Parker
Primitive pottery     Greg High
Fire making    Dick Bernier Flint & Steel
                              David Knight Bow drill
Blacksmithing    OPEN
Flemish string making    Wade Shikoski    Kevin Strader
Primitive cooking    OPEN
Hide tanning    Louis Jones    Wade Shikoski   
Woods walk     Steve Parker
Primitive shelters    Alan Shook    Wade Shikoski
Sinew processing    Wade Shikoski
Atlatl demo    Brian Langston    Don Ward
Primitive bow demo    Eddie McCann and Son
Sling demo    Eddie McCann  Andy Cipriani
Hawk and Knife demo    Eddie McCann(Knife)
                                             Dick Bernier Hawk & Knife

That is it for now. Let us all remember those who died and gave their lives on this day in our history.

Dick your benevolent dictator   >:D

Offline mullet

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #117 on: September 11, 2008, 10:41:52 pm »
  Dick, it's not deffinate, but, me and the wife might be a walk-on.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?


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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #118 on: September 12, 2008, 08:39:59 am »
Eddie, I can't think of anything that we here in NC would enjoy more. You add a dimension to every event you and your wife attend. Let me know what I can do to help your stay be even more enjoyable. Don't forget the "Coral"   ;D
   I am scrambling to get a new truck out of Homestead. Suppose to pick it up in Naples. If I do I will stop in. Should be within the next two weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed.


Offline mullet

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Re: North Carolina Primative Skills Rendeszous.
« Reply #119 on: September 12, 2008, 08:44:06 pm »
  Great! would love to see you. I'll be home this time.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?