Alright Brokennock ! Thats what they are. Call em 'rabbit sticks today also. Are thrown sidearm an low ta ground. Thrown like a baseball sidearm pitch. Devastatin' ta all sorts of small game on ground and birds. Ducks on water, curlews. Tree rats if they are on ground, possums, 'dillos ifn ya hit em in head, rabbits etc. Prongs on front(small branches) give it weight and shock power. Look at curvature of sticks, gives greater velocity, accuracy and power. A stone axe, Hillbilly's birchbark containers an a bamboo fire saw kit with tinder an 2 throwin' sticks an ya can survive and make other stuff and EAT! Jamie was right they serve other purposes as well but main purpose was ta get food. Very wide kill zone. These 2 ya see have taken lots of small game especially smaller one since its been used more. One is made from avacado wood an other (larger) from wild orange wood. Hunt with em' on private land or res land don't know ifn they are legal on public land....bob