Pappy has a thread titled "life is good" and life is good but sometimes it can give you a kick in the pants. A couple weeks ago I had this guy come out on the road across from my house right at dusk. I took a picture, although the quality is low you can still make out what it is.

He came across, walked down my drive between my truck and the entrance stairs then went through my garden and into the swamp behind my house. That was nice to see, then.
This morning I get up and go outside and see a rather large hole in mygarden where I have Onions and youmg Spinach growing. I thought something has been digging, it happens. Not the case. This is what I saw

Fortunately his 6' gait was enough to clear the Fennel and Tomatoes but the Potatoes on the other side got driven down a few more inches into the ground

Now he is not such a welcome visitor but this Fall......................................