JW - I definitely see where you're coming from! I must admit I was unwitting of how the horn would turn out when "aged" - my "teacher" just did it, without even really consulting me.. After which, I could only try to make it look acceptable... I do like the fact that I won't need to do that in the future for any customers, as, you're correct, they wouldn't look old! Museum-like or display pieces, would/could, however, which is maybe what my teacher was more going towards. For now, I'll just be happy that I had success and had fun with my first piece.
Eric - I reallllly like the pictures you linked! I should say, however, that I'm quite certain the "cross hatching" (going one way with lines, then the other way, perpendicular, across it) is incorrect. Additionally, authentic pieces would have been made with knives or any sharp object that would do the trick - plus, those men weren't artists, just wasting time. I'm going to work on my style and practices in the future, but I do appreciate the insight from all!!!!