Here's a little bow I just finished,which is another salvage job.It is all I could get from a broken stave,(one of the failed attempts for the big preacher),that had a whoop-dee-doo crack at 31" of tiller.That bow started out at 72",but after breaking,I got a piece 58" long,by 1"wide .It yielded a 43#@26" little weapon thats a pleasure to shoot.It has no hand shock,and is so quiet it does'nt need silencers.It started out fairly straight with only a little natural reflex at the handle,which it kept during tillering.I built up a small leather handle,(since it bends),and wrapped it with cane.
East Texas osage,58" tip to tip,56" nock to nock.1'' wide at the handle,then tapering evenly to 3/8" tips.Tomorrow is our season opener,and I'm thinkin' seriously of takin' this one out with me. God Bless
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