I was the first of the family take connect on a deer this year. my first shot was a kill. everyone else in the family are compound hunters so i was pleased to get the ball rolling with a stick bow. Every year we get together a day to "push out brown coulee" which we have since named the "Donnie Gill Memorial Hunt" as this was my dad's favorite hunt before he passed away last year. We put the sneak on a bunch of deer from all different directions. when the deer scattered a few came my way and i dropped into position and this one popped out right in front of me running right at me. as it cleared the brush i was spotted and it turned to and kept running. i shot it "on the hoof" at about 7 or 8 yards. complete pass through the liver and ran up about 75 yards and toppled over...wasnt really my best shot ever...but i aint complaining.
i thought the shot glanced off the top of its back b\c the arrow kinda glanced upwards but when i went to look for my arrow i found it lodged into a 1" sapling and completely covered in blood....then i looked up the hill and there it layed. i killed it with my 65# osage bow, rivercane arrow, and spoon trade point. its a youngin' but it will be tasty and it sure is fun hunting on the ground. - Ryan
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