Badger, that is a great story. Thanks. I love bonsai, but after 3 tries, I realize it is totally wrong to do what I do to small growing things (which is murder them. I simply can't keep even cacti alive).
Doug, thanks. I struggle with the "am I shallow and all surface" or " deep" sometimes, and still really am not sure. If I can be so bold, few here may know that connection we share though our US Army service as infantrymen doing a very peculiar job that is long gone now. Well, not ancient times though
I used to be a musician, but there was no joy left in it, as that is where I was going professionaly. Now that I am simply messing around with my concertina and banjo, it is fun again.
As for nature, the desert is the finest place I can think of to be alone. Empty places really speak to me, and that includes abandoned old buildings and ghost towns. Strangly, old industrial sites facinate me. Why that is I can not say.