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  • Eagles Nest Frontier Rendezvou: June 24, 2010 - June 27, 2010

Author Topic: Eagles Nest Frontier Rendezvous  (Read 4309 times)

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Offline Calendargirl

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Eagles Nest Frontier Rendezvous
« on: June 21, 2010, 06:24:03 pm »
June 24-27 is the Eagle Nest Renedezvou in Eagle Nest, New Mexico

Type of Event: Rendezvous

Event Begin-End Date: June24-June27 2010

Event Name: Eagle Nest Frontier Rendezvous

Location: Eagle Nest Enchanted Circle MuseumEagle Nest, NM 87718 USA

Contact: Stacie 575-377-3382

Directions: Call or Google

Fees: $25.00 Vendor fee with a $25.00 silent auction item donation. Admission fees are $1.00/person $5.00 /family

Camping: Rv parks in the area for RVers. primitive camp on site for participants with proper fire extinguishing cpapabilities

Details: Our first event to clelbrate the grand opening of the Enchanted Circle Gateway Museum
« Last Edit: June 21, 2010, 06:27:10 pm by Calendargirl »
You shouldn't grow a wishbone where your backbone should be.