Thes bows are typicaly 42-44" long. They can vary allot in width of limb. This is an Achumawi replica that is 39" long. It is 1.5" wide at mid limb 1" at the grip and 7/8" at the tips. I am rembering here as the bow is not right in front of me nor do I have the book that I replicated it from. This means that on this bow it is widest at mid limb. it then tapers to the grip and the tips. Tough bow to tiller.
I know its not exactly the modock but it is close and will hopefully give you at least a start:

They do not have pin nocks per say though. They are called bent tab nocks. They are the wood bent up so that string does not slip. Slight recurve as well.
I hope this will help a little. When i get home I will post some exact Modock diminsions if know one does between now and then.