Well, almost 1 year after buying a hickory stave/blank at the Howard Hill shoot, I finally got around to completing my first selfbow. I started on the bow in February(fight after deer season) and got it to the floor tiller stage and left it until about 3 weeks ago. I then got the itch to finish and decided that I would have it done in time to shoot it at the HH this June. Lots of scraping, rasping, and sanding later, I had myself my first selfbow. I went for simple and safe by doing a pyramid style and made it plenty long(69"ntn). I originally planned to put some tip overlays on, but after getting it tillered to the point of being able to shoot it, I got so excited that I wanted to get it finished as soon as possible.
I would rate the bow as follows: Positives - smooth drawing, very quiet, surprisingly fast ; Negatives - hand shock(but not much worse than most HH bows that I've shot), and the string tracks to the left of center somewhat which makes an armguard a necessity.
My impressions are that making a selfbow is not that hard, when you start with a good piece of wood. Making a selfbow that looks like most of the works of art that you guys post on here is another level altogether

Well, here are some pics. Specs are: 69" ntn - Low #50's at 30"
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