you will never get rich selling osage,,if I didnt work for myself I would sue for not earning minimum wage,,,,lots of over head in that load of osage,, a few hundred to the farmer who owns trees,,, a couple hundred in gas over 100 miles one way,two trucks four wheeler chainsaws , oil, files. lots of water,, and thats just to get it home,,,then the work begins,, many hours pounding with sledge hammer,,a couple hundred in shellac, wood glue, pesticides,, then ready to store,,must have sheds or buildins,,, then 50percent of origional load you see, is scraped for burn pile,,,,,then hold your breath for 1 to 2 years,, while it dryes then no matter what you do the bugs always eat the best ones,,scrap them,, then more of them will crack no matter what,, scrap them,,,,you are left with 20 percent of load that makes it to dry stage,,,,,then I haul them all over the country 1000s or miles,,more gas wear and tear on truck,,,, them hope someone buys one so I can buy gas home,, but smile on custoners face priceless