I am working on my first bow. I keep going back to Georges site for reference. I was really hoping I would find my 1st volume of bowyers bible, but I couldn't find that.
I have now reduced the stave alot, and got it down to where I am actually floor tillering it. I was shocked when I took a layer off, and was able to bend it. It was amazing to realize that I am really getting my first bow going and part way finished.
I have noticed though that I have twice now had to split a chunk off with my hatchet because of a split on the end of the stave. I wasn't sure if I would have to split that off or not, but figured that where the split was, would have caused issue when it was closer to being finished. I have the bow a bit long right now, and will have to reduce the length a little bit closer to time.
I have heard some people say that a first time bow maker shouldn't use a draw knife (and I don't have one yet either), so I am wondering, now that I have it down to this point, and I need to start bringing in the sides of the bow, what should I use to do that? I have not started to thin it down yet, but am hoping that I can get the width reduced a bit more. At the point where the bow is at now, not sure how I should do the limbs. One has a bit of a wave to the grain, so that side could be a bit interesting, but I like how the charactor bows look, so I am okay with that.
Any thoughts on this would be helpful. I will put a picture of the bow on so you can see where I am at right now, and see if you have any thoughts of what I am doing right, or what I should be doing differently.
Picture one is the current depth and width of te bow with my big thumb holding it up.
Picture two is a closeup of around the handle area.
Picture 3 is a view of the overall bow right now.
I am hoping to have the draw at about 55-60 lbs. I have read one place where you take the draw weight you want and add 20%, and another place said take your draw lenght, adouble that and then add 20%. Which way should I go to make the bow the correct lenght? I think both numbers are close, but not sure if I should be going for one more than the other.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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