Is it OK to post pics of my first bow, even though I got hands on help from a friend (he slapped me on my bald head every time I started to stray from safe procedures -
). Actually that is a rhetorical question, as I'm sure if it wasn't for good friends an willing sharers of info, none of us would ever get started - at any age. Some of you have already seen most of this on other forums (sorr-eeee) but I'm awfully pleased with it - and the help of my friend Mike Brooks.
It is 67" ntn, 40# @ 27" Hickory Backed Massandruba (bulletwood/beefwood), with Brazilian Cherrywood handle and Bloodwood tip overlays. I also added a Cord Wrap on the handle.
It just now dawned on me I haven't even checked how to load pics on this forum - yet. 'scuse me while I go get some school-housing.