@all: thank you
Elder, is that like an Alder? Thought they were basically weeds, but you showed me something Acker. Nice bow.
No, Elder is Elder .
There are two different sorts of Elder . Black Elder (sambucus nigra) is what you want for bow building, the other one, Red Elder isn´t very good for bows.
But they do look the very same in the winter time, but it is very easy to seperate them from each other.
( click on the pictures)
Here are two limbs , red elder and black elder can you see the differents ? No?
Just break a little limb and have a look inside.
The black Elder has a white medullary canal , the canal from red Elder is, guess what? red
Thats Elder :
Hope that helps you searching for the right tree.
Here are two other Elder bows I´ve build,
My son´s bow:
One of mine
You alway´s have them big knots
The one on the right is ELder
here on the left