Thank you for posting the pictures Pappy and Jon. I had such a great time at Elm Hall and really enjoyed seeing everyone. I miss you guys already. Listening to Beau and Mike was amazing, great music, great friends, great food (loved the bacon bombs). I loved shooting with Miss Megan. Look out boys, that girl can shoot! The girls shoot Saturday with Miss Megan, Debbie, her daughter and grandchildren was a blast. I hope we weren't too loud cheering each other on.
Pappy, Beau, Thank you for shooting with Matt, Dan and me. I had so much fun, I didn't want it to end.
I was sad I didn't get to say "Goodbye" to everyone Sunday. I had a hard time waking up for some reason.
My only wish was I had recorded Miss Megan and Wee Wicki arguing over Beau. I have no clue what either said, but it was funny.