Well...things ain't looking good for the snake bow
I got her spliced together this weekend while I was at Pappys.
After I got home I started thinning the limbs down some, just trying to get them floor tillered.
The very first time I flexed them I could hear a little "tearing" sound
I hadn't bent it 2" when I heard this. So I pushed on it again and heard the same sound.
I knew one of the limbs had a questionable spot in it and aftr looking a little closer, I don't have any faith that it'll hold together.
The first picture is of the crack without any stress.
The second picture is with it flexed maybe 2". She's starting to open up pretty good...NOT TOO GOOD
If that crack opens up that much at 2" of bend...It's DOOMED
It would have made a pretty one, but I'm not putting much more effort into it.
The sad part is that I already cut out some raw hide to match the limbs and now it's wasted
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