Author Topic: Yew ring count  (Read 19506 times)

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Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #75 on: November 12, 2009, 09:47:58 pm »
Gordon, Get you I will  >:D
 John, Help you I will.  ;D
is that the best comeback you got?  ???

Offline Blacktail

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #76 on: November 12, 2009, 10:03:14 pm »
you know Dave...short,small brain. ;D ;D....i better watch myself...i have to go see him Saturday...are you coming over...john

Offline Keenan

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #77 on: November 12, 2009, 10:20:32 pm »
Hey there primitive archer guys,
Keenan asked me to interact, because I hardly make any comments. here it is.  You guys have the nickname thing all messed up for Keenan, we have been referring to him as OBE ONE, not Yoda. Even though, Yoda is a short, wisdom filled master and really old...........Hmm....maybe you guys are on to something. Oh ya, and the tweety cakes thing.......I really like it, but Yoda, I mean OBE ONE doesn't. Even though he is quite the natural twitter-er!
As usual, I love all your posts, you guys (and gals) are an absolute riot. I am glad you are such a positive outlet for my bow making addicted husband. Blessings, LuLyn P. S. this is for Pat B, fyi OBE ONE will be visiting the dermatologist next week. Maybe he will have some cool "ear" pics to share with you. :)   Lulyn
« Last Edit: November 12, 2009, 10:31:06 pm by Keenan »

Offline Blacktail

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #78 on: November 12, 2009, 10:30:31 pm »
AHHHHH,that is great lulyn...tell TOO TALL WE LOVE HIM...john

Offline juniper junkie

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #79 on: November 13, 2009, 12:23:46 am »
sorry john, I wont be around this weekend, going back to the cabin to trench lines for the wind generator. LuLyn....where did the "tweety-cakes" come from??? I have heard you call him Obe-won, but I thought you were saying O-wee-one ??? ::) I will leave that one alone.... :-[ ;D I think he would like Yoda better...

Offline Gordon

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Re: Yew ring count
« Reply #80 on: November 13, 2009, 01:55:10 am »
Hey LyLyn, it's great to see you post here. Please give Yoda, er I mean, Obe my best.