Quote; "pip said that 15-20 growth rings per inch is o.k....but,i all ways thought the more growth rings per an inch was better...so,why does every one bragee about 30-40 growth rings...just trying to get it right for some bow making...thanks john"
John, As far as people bragging about high ring count yew it is because there is a difference. Low ring count yew is great bow wood, no doubt, however high ring count is better. Most who think low ring count is as good, have never tried high ring count yew. It is denser and stronger and takes less wood to make a strong bow. Come over and I'd be happy to show you the difference and do some bend test for you. This is not meant in any way to say that low ring count yew is bad. Almost all yew is great bow wood.
I'm simply trying to put out accurate information on what to look for as the best wood available. I am not trying to sell my bow wood, most all the yew that I have I want to keep for future bows. This should show that what I'm saying is for education.