Morning all. I am new to bow making and have been "lurking" on this site for a week or so now. I've been involved in woodworking for some time now and am also into luthery, but have not made a bow since I was young. I picked up a 1x2 maple board and was hoping for around 45-50 lb draw. I ripped the board in half and so I had 2 pieces that were 1x2 by 3/8" thick, and followed a laminate methodology. I also recurved the ends. The resulting draw was far lighter draw than what I had hoped. It currently has no backing and I was wondering if anyone might be aware of a backing material I could use that might add 7-10lbs of draw? That would put me near what I wanted for a target.
Also, I had a question regarding wood selection (again, if this is posted already I apologize). Coming from a cabinet and luthery world I generally go for quartersawn as opposed to flatsawn or plainsawn. Which type of cut do I really want? If I go the way I did when I was young it would be to quarter a tree and then shape the stave from there....Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!