Well ever since I started making bows around a year ago my father has been wanting me to make him one. I kept putting it off and putting it off and I finally decided it was time to make him his bow. He is so proud of me and what I do he tells anybody and everybody that will listen about his son and the bows and knives I make. I feel really bad for not making him one sooner, but I really wanted to get my hunting gear made first as this will be my first year hunting trad/primitive. Heck it will be my first time hunting with a bow. I plan to use my snakey osage bow I posted last month. (the one with the triangles?)
My father will probably never shoot this bow as he is disabled and blind in his shooting eye from a car wreck but it should fit right in with his Native American decor/relics. He mainly just wanted a wall-hanger but I wanted to make one that if he ever decided to take it down and string it up and shoot it, it would be up to the task.
The bow is a pyramid design, (a first for me) 2"at fades tapering straight to
1/4" 5/16" nocks. 62" NtN. Zebrawood and Purpleheart for the handle riser, and Purpleheart with a hint of Zebrawood for the tip overlays. This bow lays
FLAT after unstringing it which is rare for me with red oak. It usually takes 2 inches of stringfollow but before final tiller on this one I heated around 3 inches of reflex into the limbs.
The bow is 48lbs at 28" I didn't wrap the handle or paint on this one because my father said "I wanna be able to see the wood, no fancy paint jobs or handle wraps on mine". Tiller looks a little off to me in the pictures, but I really like the way it shoots and like I said before, it will probably spend most of its life on a wall. Hope you guys like it, thanks for looking!