spent the last week up in MI on vaca. did a bit of caving in IN on the way up. floated a river, did some fishing and visiting with relatives. Nice vaca.
while I was up there went over to my grandparents house. They have been dead now a couple years but my uncle lives there and they are still cleaning out the place. Ya gotta understand. 3 generations lived in this same house and it is kinda like a museum. Especially the attic.
Anyway. earlier when I was showing my folks the knapped arrowheads that I and some of Y'all did and explaining about the different point types. my mom told me about some artifacts that were just kicking around in that old house that no one in the family was really interested in. said there was a box of points and some big stones. Course I got really interested real quick.
So on our way to see the fireworks that night we stopped in. couldnt locate the box of arrow heads and my mom said she would keep looking and set them aside for me if she could locate them but check out what I did score. Not the same as finding them myself out in the field but still.....
Only problem is I have no history of them at all. where found or when. My grandma and great grandma were always taking notes, recording stuff and sticking it on things like pictures and objects. but nothing on these. However, probably somewhere in that old house my grandma has written down what ever she knew about the artifacts.
I know the one is a celt and the one is an axe that was prob hafted at one point. however the other 2 I have no idea. Maybe the big one is a hoe? it is 18 " long and prob 2 thick. almost looks like petrified bone as it has striations or some form of grainy look. but the end where chipped looks like a regular rock. BTW - that ruler in the pic is 18" long. The other could be a hand axe? No idea. Any info is appreciated. My Overstreet doenst do any artifacts 'cept points. Looks like I need some new books.