Thanks Keenan,Dano, and ADB
Aosda,Thanks for the kind words,I use gel ca glue, I rekon bout any glue would work. Cleaned the bacote well.I think I had it tillered to about 24" when I added the tips. Did the v splice first,then figured it wouldn't hold since all the pressure would be on the glue joint,so I added the horn over. Seems to be holding fine.
As for what looks like a hinge? It's been like that from the start.The stave rolls to one side at that point, Your're actually seeing the middle of the limb in that pic. The top limb does the same thing just opposite.I'll try to get some reverse pics later,(if it quits raining).
I normally don't tiller bows such as this very well.I learned over 15 yrs to strive for that perfect arc, and these r/d bows just screw with my mind. I need to learn it better though,cause this bow is a real pleasure to shoot. the light weight helps with that to I figure?
Thanks again.