i would think that cutting and shaping is alot less work to get them closer to same size and shape then forging... i havnt sparked up my carbon forge in a couple of yrs... i built an easy forge rig... its funny how i got to work.. but i just ussed an old dryer inside linner for for the pit to burn natural carbon coil.. i get from a ferrier supply, and then i rigged up a blower motter from an old air mattress that had a hole in it so i cut out the moter... and then i used the alumunuim round luandry drie hose to the air moter to the bottom of the coal burning pit... and whalah a coal burning it gets the steel sooo hot that it will melt a railroad spike if i leave it in there to long... i use a piece of rail raod as my anvel and i'm forging steel...
but thanks for the explaination on the ratio... i didnt know what you were talking about... lol..
i was thinking of forging trade points from rebar i got lots of that at every jobsite... but i think im going to try and waite for a steel diamond blade i know we have to change them out every now and then from our quicky saw's or our brick/ block saw... i think they our quicky saw carries a 14" diamond blade and our block saw takes a 20" diamond blade and i know they are expensive blade i think each one is over 125. to over 150 bucks at times... sooo i know we are going to change out 2 blades soon i need to call the forman on that job to see if he hasnt already changed them...
just wish i had a plasma cuter to cut the dang things then id be an arrow head making fool...